I've added a lot of static cameras throughout the module. There's a good amount of interacting with placeables via conversation, and some regular conversations where the location of the npc is known. Static cameras let me have more "cinematic" camera angles, and will hopefully make conversations more dramatic and enjoyable. I'm fully aware some people are not going to like Crimmor because they prefer nwn1 style conversations, just like I expected some people not to like Path of Evil because you played an evil PC.
Filled in some placeholder conversations, and somewhat developed a placeholder quest I'd put in to address a hole in the plot.
I've made a number of playthroughs of Crimmor. Fixing things as I find them. So things are looking more polished there, and the number of bugs is less. Still plenty of bugs. :-)
Current making my first pass through areas placing sounds. It's a large and lengthy project, since I'm doing all custom sound. Freesound project . First I had to get all that sound in a format NWN2 could use, then get things categorized at least somewhat. Then, since the filenames are not very descriptive, there's a lot of listening to things before deciding what to place.
To do list of non quest/conversation stuff:
Finish sound and make sure it works ingame. [edit: sounds now placed]
Get guards to react properly to a door that's open when it shouldn't be.
Set store hours and get that working.
Get conversational spell use working. [edit: now working]
Add ambiance npc's in city exteriors and stores.
Get random results from pickpocketing working. [edit: doing this they way I want requires editing pickpocket, which seems to be hardcoded]